Potential problems in Windows
In the event that multizagruzchik was configured incorrectly or for whatever reason, have damaged the data necessary for loading the operating system, you may receive one of the following messages:
«Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: <windows root> \ system32 \ hal.dll. Please re-install a copy of the above file ». (Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: <windows root> \ system32 \ hal.dll. Install new copy of the above file.)
In most cases, the occurrence of such errors due to incorrect configuration multizagruzchika when calling module HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) or a version of HAL, not conforming to the actual hardware configuration of your computer. For example, the personal computer of some manufacturing companies, including several models of computer firm Compaq, as well as for systems that use symmetrical multiprocessing architecture, the standard module HAL is not suitable. Among the methods used to combat this a mistake you can list the following:
If an error occurs when downloading from the menu Windows9x/ME multiple boot Windows XP, open for editing boot.ini, and change the line reference to the section containing Windows9x such a way that instead of ARC-sequence it had been a standard way of DOS, pointing to the root system drive, for example, c: \ = "Microsoft Windows 98" instead of
multi (0) disk (0) rdisk (0) partition (1) \ WINDOWS = "Microsoft Windows 98;
If an error occurs when booting Windows XP/2000 / NT (this may be due, in particular, showing the incorrect installation of the system folder (systemroot) for multizagruzchika), make sure that for the installation of Windows correctly identify the root folder system (for this run the Recovery Console, log into the Windows folder current installation of Windows XP and type in the command line directive systemroot), then use the line reference to the appropriate disk partition, indicating the key / hal, for example: multi (0) disk (0) rdisk (0) partition (1) \ WINNT = "Microsoft Windows XP" / hal = hal.dll, where file hal.dll-file module HAL, stored in the System32 folder system folder current installation of Windows;
If your computer has a custom configuration download from a Web server, its manufacturer as a module HAL and set it according to the instructions proposed in the attached to the computer documentation.
«Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: <windows root> \ system32 \ ntoskrnl.exe. Please re-install a copy of the above file ». (Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: <windows root> \ system32 \ ntoskrnl.exe. Install new copy of the above file.)
This error occurred when the kernel boots Windows XP, most often seen after the redeployment of disk partitions without removing the current Windows installation or after retirement / installation of the system of additional hard drives.
Open the file boot.ini to edit and verify that all references in the [operating systems] is correct. Use the MAP and BOOTCFG in the Recovery Console to determine the correct reference.
Use string references to the appropriate disc section showing key / kernel, for example,
multi (0) disk (0) rdisk (0) partition (1) \ WINNT = "Microsoft Windows XP" / kernel = ntkrnlmp.exe.
«Windows XP could not start because of a computer disk hardware configuration problem: Could not read from the selected boot disk. Check boot path and disk hardware. Please check the windows documentation about hardware disk configuration and your hardware reference manuals for additional information ». (Unable to load Windows XP in response to the problem of hardware configurations: it is not possible to boot from a specified drive. Verify that the specified routes, as well as to the correctness of the equipment.)
Most likely, in the boot.ini file is simply a wrong way to download a copy of Windows. Use the MAP and BOOTCFG in the Recovery Console to determine the correct way. Also possible situation in which the target disk is unavailable because of hardware problems: for example, not closed a key block in the removable hard disk, resulting in the disc is not receiving power.
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