The program 1S Accounting Enterprise 8
1C: Accounting Enterprise 8
The sale, setting, updating 1C: Accounting Enterprise 8
1C: Accounting "has become the industrial standard of accounting decisions in Russia and other countries. The program is embodied practical experience accountants hundreds of thousands of organizations - from small businesses and individual entrepreneurs to large corporations and holding companies. A new version of the program -" 1C: Accounting 8.0 " created by the technological platform of a new generation of 1C: Enterprise 8.0 ", raises the standard for new methodological and technological level.
Benefits «1S Accounting 8», compared with «1S Buhgalteriey 7.7»
The possibility of keeping records of several organizations in a common information base. Organizations can use common lists of products, articles of the costs, contractors, etc. In doing so, each organization may keep records on a common or a simplified system of taxation in the same database.
Through a separate plan accounts tax accounting easier comparability of accounting and tax accounting, which is essential to ensure the requirements of BS 18/02 «calculations for income tax».
The emergence of «1C: Accounting 8» partionnogo accounting expands the scope of the model solutions. In addition to ways to assess the material and industrial stocks at an average cost, it becomes possible to use and means such as FIFO and LIFO, whether for accounting and tax accounting and for each organization.
Marketed optional analytical accounting for storage: the size and accrual.
The possibility of accounting products in the retail trade sales prices.
In «1S Accounting 8» supported the activities of individual entrepreneurs, applying the simplified taxation system.
The new version of «1S Accounting 8» enhanced features typical operations - means the group entering frequently used accounting entries. This simple but effective tool for automation can now quickly and easily customizable.
Today's ergonomic interface «1S Accounting 8» makes available service opportunities «1C: Enterprise 8» even for smaller organizations.
1C: Accounting 8 "- a new version of the popular program to automate accounting and tax accounting for commercial organizations, designed to modern technology platform 1C Enterprise 8. It is embodied practical experience of hundreds of thousands of different organizations in size and activities.
1C: Accounting 8.0 can be used in organizations engaged in any type of business: wholesale trade, services, manufacturing, etc. Accounting and tax records in accordance with the law.
The method of accounting allows you to simultaneously record each entry and business operations as on synthetic accounts, and the necessary cuts analytical accounting, quantitative and monetary accounting. Users can manage their own method of accounting in the setting accounting policies, create new sub-sections and analytical accounting. The main way to reflect business operations in the recording of an input documents of the primary documents of accounting. In addition, a separate input entries. To enter a team entries, you can use the model operation - a simple tool automation quickly and easily customizable.
1C: Accounting 8.0 allows you to solve all the challenges facing the accounting service business, including, for example, an extract of primary documents, sales records, etc. In addition, information about individual activities, commercial and industrial operations, may introduce staff related services businesses that are not accountants. In this case, the accounting service remains the guide and control the settings of the information base, providing automatic reflection of the documents in accounting and tax accounting.
1C: Accounting 8.0 provides the possibility of bookkeeping and tax accounting of several organizations in a common information base. This is useful in situations where business organizations are closely linked and the ongoing work needed to operate the common list of goods, contractors (business partners), employees own warehouses, etc., and mandatory reporting is required to form separately. Due to the possibility of recording the activities of several organizations in a common information base, "1C: Accounting 8.0 can be used in smaller organizations, and the holding of a complex organizational structure.
In 1C: Accounting 8.0 provides the ability to share applications with the "Manage trade" and "Salary and Personnel Management, also created by Padmount 1C: Enterprise 8.0.
«1S Accounting 8» - the universal program of mass destination, a set of platform «1C Enterprise 8» and configuration «Accounting business».
«1S Accounting 8» is designed to automate accounting and tax accounting, including preparation of a mandatory (regulated) reporting in organizations engaged in any type of business: wholesale and retail trade, commission business (including subkomissiyu), services, manufacturing, etc. .
Accounting and tax accounting implemented in accordance with applicable Russian legislation. In a configuration included accounts plan, configured in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation «On approval of the plan accounts of financial and economic activities of organizations and instructions for its use» of 31 October 2000. Number 94n.
The method of accounting provides simultaneous recording of each recording business transactions in the accounts as accounting, and the necessary cuts analytical accounting, quantitative and monetary accounting. Users can manage their own method of accounting in the setting accounting policies, create new sub-sections and analytical accounting.
«1C: Accounting 8» provides a solution to all challenges facing the accounting service business, if the accounting service is fully responsible for accounting at the enterprise, including, for example, an extract of primary documents, sales records, etc. In addition, information about individual activities, commercial and industrial operations, may introduce staff related services businesses that are not accountants. In the latter case, the accounting service remains the guide and control the settings of the information base, providing automatic reflection of the documents in accounting and tax accounting.
This practical solution can also be used only for bookkeeping and tax accounting, a task automation of other services, such as sales, to address the specialized configurations or other systems.
Specialization, Automated «1C: Buhgalteriey 8», illustrated by the following pattern.
In «1C: Accounting 8» laid the possibility of sharing with applications «1C Office trade», «1C Salaries and personnel management», also created by Padmount «1C: Enterprise 8».
Accounting «of the document» and model operation
The main way to reflect business operations in the recording of an input document configuration of the primary documents of accounting. In addition, permitted the direct input of individual entries. To enter a team entries, you can use the model operation - a simple tool automation quickly and easily customizable.
Partionny record
Accounting for goods, materials and finished goods are implemented according to BS 5 / 01 «Accounting physical inventory» and guidance on its application. Supported ways to assess the logistical and industrial stocks at their disposal:
at an average cost;
on the cost of first-time purchase of physical inventory (FIFO method);
on the cost of the most recent acquisition of physical inventory (LIFO method).
Corporate accounting
At warehouses may be accrual accounting and accounting for the parties. Corporate accounting can be disabled if it is not necessary.
Accounting for trading
Automated accounting for revenues and sales of goods and services. For retailers are supported by technology works as a computer or manual outlets. Automated registration of a trade commission for goods made on commission, and transferred for further implementation.
Accounting for transactions involving money
Automated accounting of cash and non-cash, including currency exchange operations. Automated payments to contractors and individuals accountable. Accounting for payments to contractors may be in rubles, conventional units and foreign currency.
Accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets carried out in accordance with BS 6 / 01 «Accounting for fixed assets» and PBU 14/2000 «Accounting for intangible assets».
Accounting for production
Automated calculation of cost of goods and services produced by the main and auxiliary production.
Automated payroll employees, mutual settlements with employees until the payroll through the cashier, transfer salaries to workers' personal accounts at the bank and deposit.
Accounting for business activities of several organizations in a common information base
«1C: Accounting 8» provides an opportunity for bookkeeping and tax accounting of several organizations in a common information base, in the role of individual organizations may make individual entrepreneurs. This will be handy in a situation where the economic activity of these organizations are closely linked: with the current work, you can use lists of common goods, contractors (business partners), employees own warehouses, etc., and mandatory reporting form separately.
Due to the possibility of recording the activities of several organizations in a common information base, «1C: Accounting 8» can be used in smaller organizations, and the holding of a complex organizational structure.
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