Tray Microsoft Windows XP
Tray Microsoft Windows XP (Taskbar) by default located at the bottom of the screen and consists of several elements. In the right pane of tasks is called the system tray (Notification Area) - a special section designed to display system notifications, reports of hardware discovery, as well as icons of programs running in the background. Also in the notification area, placed the system clock and calendar. Language is the left panel (Language Bar), which includes LED keyboard. In the left pane of tasks placed the Start button (Start), opening access to the main menu Windows, and custom toolbars. The main space Tray set aside to display icons inactive at this point in time applications that the user is minimized click on the button Close the window.
Moving System Tray on the screen
You can move the taskbar on the screen, placing it along the left, right or top of your desktop. To do this:
right-click any of a point icon in the taskbar, and the resulting shortcut menu reset the box next to Lock the taskbar (Lock the Taskbar);
mouse over any free points from the System Tray icon, then hold the left mouse button, move the taskbar on the screen. Release the left mouse button when the taskbar to reach the desired position.
Changing the vertical size Tray
If you turn off the grouping of tasks may experience a situation in which the icons of running applications will not go easy on their display area Tray. In this case, you can increase the vertical size Tray. Procedure:
right-click any of a point icon in the taskbar, and the resulting shortcut menu reset the box next to Lock the taskbar (Lock the Taskbar);
Mouseover upper limit Tray in a way that it has adopted a vertical type of bi-directional arrows. While pressing the left mouse button, move the upper limit Tray on the screen.
Hiding the System Tray
Typically, in the process of working with the operating system the user is drawn to the System Tray only if it is necessary to switch from one running program to another, open the Start Menu or changed by a mouse keyboard. Thus, in some cases it makes sense to hide the taskbar is outside the working space until it is you do not need. In quiet mode, the taskbar will automatically appear when approaching the cursor to the appropriate boundary screen's viewing area. In order to hide the taskbar, you must do the following sequence of actions:
right-click any of a point icon tray and the menu that appears, click Properties (Properties);
in the Registration System Tray (Taskbar Appearance) opened the Properties dialog box tray and the menu «Start» (Taskbar and Start Menu Properties), check the box automatically hide the taskbar (Auto-hide the Taskbar).
Subsequently, you can cancel hide the taskbar dropping this box.
Grouping similar tasks
In the case of simultaneous loading of several programs in a Microsoft Windows inactive applications minimized in the taskbar, making it sooner or later, When it is available. In order to decongest the taskbar and release more working space to display the icons of running applications, you can include a mechanism grouping tasks, which presented similar programs running on your computer at the same time, are combined in a logical visual group. You can include a grouping of tasks by following these steps:
right-click any of a point icon tray and the menu that appears, click Properties (Properties);
in the Registration System Tray (Taskbar Appearance) opened the Properties dialog box tray and the menu «Start» (Taskbar and Start Menu Properties) check Group similar buttons in the System Tray (Group similar taskbar buttons).
Subsequently, you can undo the grouping of tasks, dropping this box.
Display System Tray on top of other windows
By default, the taskbar is displayed on top of boxes running applications. You can disable this mode: in this case, the program will be able to unfold in full screen and the taskbar will be located below them and become invisible. To do this:
right-click any of a point icon tray and the menu that appears, click Properties (Properties);
in the Registration System Tray (Taskbar Appearance) opened the Properties dialog box tray and the menu «Start» (Taskbar and Start Menu Properties) reset the box Have the taskbar on top of other windows (Keep the Taskbar on top of other windows).
Office location of the windows
You can control the relative positioning of windows running applications using the context menu Tray. Clicking the right mouse button at any point of a System Tray icon, select the menu that appears, one of the possible modes of windows on the screen:
Windows cascade (Cascade Windows) - windows applications will be displayed one above the other on a diagonal screen;
The windows from top to bottom (The windows vertically) - the application window will be placed vertically one with another;
The windows from left to right (The windows horizontally) - Window applications will be placed horizontally;
Show Desk (Show the Desktop) - windows all applications will automatically be rolled into the taskbar.
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