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Time to create protection
Категория: English version

Is not difficult to determine who needs to develop ways to protect information. These are people and organizations who have something to defend, ie virtually everything. Most of those in need, of course, use protection technology developed by others, but in some cases, information security tools are developed on its own.
During the development of his defense, it makes sense to take in three cases:
- Protection system developed as a commercial project;
- The existing remedies are not able to provide the necessary functionality;
- The existing remedies are not appropriate for security reasons.
The first case where the protection is developed with a view to profit, of little interest - it is an ordinary commercial project, which ensure the reliability of protection may well not play any role. The sole purpose of the developer - to extract maximum profit.
In the second case the user needs to protect the information in some unique circumstances for which none of the existing system was not designed. Such situations occur regularly as a direct consequence of technology development. Until the computers will not need encryption algorithm des. Are not yet widely available mobile technology, are not required to implement persistent cryptographic algorithms for processors used in mobile phones. The development of new technologies in every field - a very risky occupation, but data protection risk increases manifold. Risk not only data processed during the period following the discovery of the error enemy and to correct the error, but in general all the information that is protected at a time when there was a mistake.
The third case zanimatelen that, despite the presence of security, seemingly suited to the task, there is no confidence in the reliability of existing solutions. And if the value of the loss of integrity or confidentiality of information & chnoy very high (which is quite possible, for example, banking and state secrets), it makes sense to spend resources to develop its own implementation of protection. So the U.S. once spent on developing the algorithm des rsa and now feels safe. After all, to reach a rational belief that the protection funds set up by someone else, do not include accidental or intended made vulnerabilities, it is very difficult.

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