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Perfect System Digital Surveillance Uniteco Dvs
Категория: English version

Software-hardware solution network system of digital video UnitECO DVS is a set of security video and digital video recorders.

Set of security created on the basis of this decision, allows for video and audio recording, both at the physical distribution facilities as well as local facilities in the areas of responsibility.

Underlying this system is based on the server station with a pre-OS and Linux software UnitECO DVS.

This software has all the necessary functionality integrated system of video surveillance and allows you to use the server as a separate set of video without additional jobs.

The network system of digital video UnitECO DVS possible to install client workstations UnitECO L-Client (of OC Linux) and UnitECO W-Client (of OC Windows HE). There is the possibility of working with remote stations outside producers on the basis of OC Windows.

Key features of software and hardware solutions UnitECO DVS:

operational video and audiokontrol situation under control facilities;
Various video recording modes: constant, on alert for movement on the event, according to the schedule;
Search video by date, time and events
operating records concerning the situation in the facilities, events, actions. You can subscribe to an e-mail;
backup of important video archive on CD, DVD;
Exports of video on removable storage media (flash, HDD);
digital video surveillance of targets
the opportunity to distinguish between access to the functional server software.

The main advantage of this decision is the possibility of deeper integration with other products UnitECO, which provides the necessary level of monitoring protection for businesses of any size and type.

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