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All font - Using Type1 I Truetype
Категория: English version

Printing without a printing press? It is possible. A long time, home and office computers and professional publishing system existed only in our cherished dreams. The first computers were recruited mainly text documents, in the future that have been printed on matrix printers one of the "protection" of fonts. Paragraphs and padding formatted spaces, all characters have the same values of the markers were only available bolded, italicized or underlined character style. At a time of great knowledge of the fonts are not required. The goals of the second-generation desktop much more, because "prokachalis brains", was written by the new software, prinorovilsya in their skills and the person. And now all of this together allows you to receive on paper, the same chart of any information that verstalschik sees on the screen. Word, grew up a simple text editor into a powerful set of editing and formatting of text, allows even less comfort, to perform the same steps as professional publishing system - until the automatic shutter strips in the booklet. And often the leaders of the various companies prefer not to go to the publishing house that created a small anniversary brochure or promotional booklet. Why? For all these operations can be done employee's own company. Only by bringing the layout of the booklet to the printer, economical leader understands that reality, though, and crossed, but as a whole does not become. After all, prepared to print in MS Word brochure produced by professional equipment is not as usual at the office printer: the "go" into empty boxes, and the formula is mixed into something incomprehensible. A team of designers razvodit hands and confronts the fact that the lead layout in order expensive and longer than was created by a new one. However, such problems are not only rare printing company. Often, even professionals who know the entire publishing process, as a picture on mouse pads, is not immune to the banal lack of certain fonts. Next should be a small lyrical digression. The consequence of such problems is the existence of two sets of fonts: TrueType - for office systems, and Type1 (for the printing industry). From the perspective of the user simply no difference between them is not: Select the text, chose to list the name of the font, sent the document to the printer and ready. But the action taking place between the printer and editor, in each case differ drastically, so often printed in a printing text in TrueType, will fail. Even krossplatformenny PDF-file here will not help: chart TrueType just porushat entire file. It seems there is no problem, like enough to buy and install Type1, and you can concentrate on running layout. But the problem is that these products are designed for printers and publishers, so the cost of expensive sets. and that to do so small companies and a private entrepreneurs who are unable to afford to pay big money for the layout and print the flyer feel like? As newcomers to take on hard fact, learn the "Create a brochure in MS Word, but do not have the ability or desire to understand the intricacies of pre-press? Just a good option is to use a converter. It allows finally to merge the two into one reality. Everything is simple - you "type" created a booklet on the virtual printer and as a result of receiving the file, which is just save your design. Incidentally, PDF, obtained in this way, "begins to understand" TrueType, because the document is placed in a raster image, which you can set so that the print quality will not be obtained from the traditional way. No matter how subtle features of training you failed to take into account - your brochure will always look the way you want.

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